UNDERSIGNED MINISTRY CERTIFIES HEREWITH, that the mason-journeyman, August Friedrich Anton Theodor Heiden,
34 years old, from the Gross Wokern district
of Güstrow in this Grand-Duchy, with his wife, née
Knaack, 31 years old, and the after
mentioned 3 children: a) Heinrich Friedrick Johann, 6
years old; b) Ernst Carl Fritz, 4 years; c) Meta
Friederike Henriette Elisabeth, 1 year old ---------
Upon request for emigration to America, the discharge
from the Mecklenburg-Schwerin citizenship is
This discharge-deed causes the loss of the Mecklenburg-Schwerin citizenship for the
persons explicitly named therein at the time of its
delivery, however, it becomes ineffective,
if the releasee does not transfer his residence
outside the federal territory within six months of the
day of the delivery of the discharge-deed,
or acquires the citizenship of another part of the
confederacy. (Paragraph 18 of the law about
acquisition and loss of state and federal citizenship from June 1st 1870. Civil code page 355.)