Lorena Lettitia Getty
was known all her adult life as Irene Louise
Getty. According to Antrim County Vital
Records, on August 1, 1870, in Forest Home
Township, a baby girl was born to
William and Addie Getty. They named her
Lorena Lettitia. She was called Rena by her
family and friends, and the name "Rena" or
"Lorena" was written in her grade school
books. However, as an adult, she changed her
name to the more sophisticated Irene Louise.

As Will, Jr. said in his letter, Irene
devoted her entire life to educational
work. According to legend, she did have a
long time suitor, but after he had waited
several years for her to marry him, he gave
up in despair and married another girl.
Irene graduated from Michigan State Normal
College at Mt. Pleasant in 1893. She never
married. She taught school for many years,
was director of Kalkaska County Normal
School, member of the Kalkaska Ladies'
Concert Band, County School Commissioner,
and Grand Worthy Matron of the Eastern Star.
She died on August 4, 1934, at the age of 64
years, and is buried in the family lot in
Evergreen Cemetery, Kalkaska.