"The above named church was organized on the 28th day of February, 1849, by Rev. Samuel Bradshaw, with thirty (30) charter members. Said church to be known as the First Church Of Christ In Ridgeway, Michigan."

This paragraph was written on the first page of an old book of membership records, found in the Congregational Church, Britton's oldest church. The church was dedicated January 27, 18.50, as the Christian Union Society. In 1929 it became the Britton Congregational Church.

There were very few Underwoods on a list of 451 early members. On that list, however, No's 33 and J4 are Abijah and Naomi Russell, grandparents of Naomi Russell Getty. They entered the church "by confession" March 4, 1849. Abijah is marked "deceased", and Naomi is marked "deceased May 12, 1873".

No's 63 and 64 are William D. and Elizabeth J. Russell, parents of Naomi Getty. They were "received on confession" February 24, 18.50. William D. is marked "deceased", and Elizabeth J. "discharged by letter April 7, 1877". No. 334 was Mrs. Serphina Exelby. Lovie Zeluff was No. 339, and Mrs. Addie Babcock was No. )48, having been "received by confession" March 8, 1894. These were the three daughters of William and Eliza Underwood.

In the 1890's, among the active members of the Ladies of the Christian Union Aid Society, formerly called the Ladies Home Missionary Society of the Ridgeway Christian Church, were: Mrs. William (Adelaide) Underwood, Mrs. Addie Babcock, Mrs. Phena Exelby, and Mrs. Lovie Zeluff. In 1896, Addie Babcock was the organist and the chorister. Mrs. Claybon Underwood, daughter-in-law of William and Eliza, was a member from 1910 to 1915, and in 1922 she was treasurer of the Dorcas Bible Study Class.

May 22, 1919, the Class received a thank you for the flowers which were sent at the time of William Underwood's death.

Among the members of the Young People's Society of Christian Education in 1897  1898, were Amos Underwood, William's and Eliza's son, and Earl and Myrtle Babcock (Addie's children).

Britton  July the 17  1893. For the valuable consideration that the House of Worship of the Christian Union Society of Britton be removed to some site within 80 rods East of the Wabash R.R. in the village of Britton we the undersigned promise and agree to pay to the treasurer of said society for the purpose of such Removal new site foundation wall and refitting the same the sum set opposite our respective names. Provided that at Least $8800 is pledged for such purpose within one month from late. Otherwise this subscription to be null and void this pledge renders all previous pledges for such purposes by us respectively void.

Early History of the First Christian Church of Ridgeway, Lenawee County.

The above named Church was organized by Elder S. Bradshaw on the 28th day of February 1849. No. of members at organization thirty  by the 14th of July following it No. fifty seven. Aug. 11th 18.50 its numbers were sixty eight. On July 2nd 1849 the legal Society for holding property was organized  the building of a meeting house was decided upon, and the work commenced. On 27th day of Jan 'y 18.50 the house was dedicated. sermon by Elder S. Bradshaw. present the following Elders McGregor  Dearing  Buchanan  Adams  Warner and Griffith being present  This was the first house built and dedicated by the Christians in Mich. On Sep't 7th 18.50 Elder Bradshaw closed his labors here, leaving a Church of sixty eight members with a good meeting house, and Elder Adams, and Bro Griffith each preaching once in two weeks. The Society having up to that   date expended the following amounts  for Meeting house             $600.00

            Hymn Books    20.00

            S.S. Books & pamphlets          12.00

            Insuring Church