All the data on both living and non-living members of the families featured in this website are organized in a computer program called RootsMagic.

One option is to define a generational relationship between two people who share genetic background. Enter two people's names and the program will build a chart showing the line of descent from the earliest person to the most recent person named.

Since data on only non-living people is included on this website, we can only offer some example charts to give you an idea of how they appear. If you know who you relate to on the sample chart, you can often figure out your generation number.

Another option is to address the statement, "I know that Minnie Jones was some kind of relative of mine but I don't know just how." This can be accomplished with a Relationship Chart

Here is a sample of a generational chart for the earliest member of the Heiden Family that we have found so far, Friedrich Heiden (1755-1811)..

These charts were created with PhotoShop and can be personalized for anyone in the family (at no charge). Send an EMAIL for details.