We would love to have your input into this History of the Heiden Family! The idea is to get this information distributed to as many people as possible. There literally thousands of descendants to the major families covered in this website i.e. Heiden, Rambow, Milhan, Knaack, Roggerman and Getty

Here are some guidelines for submitting or receiving information or pictures for these families.


August Heiden

If you have comments, corrections, additions or family stories, we would be happy to include them in this website. Short items may just be sent in a regular email. If you have extensive stories or many comments, put them in an MSWord or other word processing document and send the file as an attachment to the email.

Use [email protected]

For many people, all we have are the facts and figures of their lives. That can make the narrative seem a little "plain vanilla". So, if you would like to write a history of someone in your family and add little details, anecdotes and stories, we would love to have them. Pictures would add to the impact of the piece. A handful of sons and daughters have already done this for their parents' pages. Of course, we need to include the facts and figures too.

Here are a couple of examples: Edna Berns - Marie Tommelein

Write up your narrative and cut and paste it into an email. Thanks.

Agnes (Brockman) Heiden

Use [email protected] to submit family narratives.

All the photos, documents and other graphical elements of this website are available for use by any member of the families covered in this site. We want to get this material to as many people as possible to assure that it remains available to future generations.

We will gladly provide you with a digital copy of anything on the site in .jpg, .gif or .tiff format. This can be for one particular photo or document, for all the images related to a particular family or we will provide all of the photos and documents (obituaries, death certificates, wedding licenses, german records, etc)  that we have in digital form.

If you just want a few photos, these can be sent to you by email. If you want a larger grouping such as images relating to the family of William Carl and Mary Heiden, for instance, we will send them to you in a thumb drive. The total group of photos is around 7,100 (photos and documents) and 4.3 GB in size.

We are in the process of getting some old home movie films and the audio interviews of family members converted to digital form. These will also be available for distribution in the near future.

I would love to share this information with anyone who has a family interest in it. Please contact me and we can work out a solution. Of course, there will be no charge for anything.

Use [email protected] to obtain digital images.

We need images in .jpg, .gif or .png format that are 650 pixels or more wide. The larger, the better. You can send them right out of the camera or off your hard drive or from your iPhone.

We will do any editing or cropping necessary in Light Room or Photoshop. This includes "cleaning up" images that have exposure problems or creases or other blemishes. About the only requirement is that the image be in good focus and the faces of the people are recognizable.

Keeping track of thousands of images on a website can be a challenge. Therefore, we have developed a folder system over the years to keep everything straight. The only requirement is that the file name must include the accurate name of the person, people or place depicted. Ex. Heiden-Ralph-1965.jpg

If you just have just a few images, you can send them as a simple attachment to an email. If you have large numbers of images, you can use a Zip file or similar compacting program and attach that to an email. Or, you can use a transfer website such as WeTransfer. If you have a very large number of images, put them on a thumb drive, DVD or CD and I will give you an address for mailing.

If you have a bunch of 35mm slides or paper prints taken years ago, we can handle those too. As long as the name of the person, people or place depicted in the picture is included, we have the technology to transfer slides or prints into a digital format.

Put them in a box or envelope and send them to us. We will pay for shipping costs and return them if you prefer or send you a copy of the digital images on a thumb drive. Submit an email and I will send my mailing address.

Use [email protected] to submit digital images.

As I am writing this, I just celebrated my 76th birthday. I enjoy working on this website and family history but one never knows how long that can go on. So, I would like to find one or more younger, website savy members of the August Heiden Family who would like to eventually take over this website. I hope to be able to keep it going for the foreseeable future...but you never know.
Use [email protected]

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