Floss Mae "Flossie" (Getty) Roggeman was born January 30, 1893 and she died on December 17, 1978. She married George Roggeman on September 27, 1911. George was born May 11, 1890 and died November 15, 1977.

George was the brother of Ralph Raymond Roggerman who married Flossie's older sister, Addie. It is not clear why Geroge dropped the second "r" from the name although his father, Charles, had been listed in some census records as "Charlie Roggeman" and in others as "Charles Roggerman." The other siblings in the family all used the spelling of "Roggerman."

Flossie and George had two children.

  1. Florence Katharyn Toburen
  2. Charles George Roggeman


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