The photos on these pages are from high school yearbooks available on Someone has scanned entire yearbooks for certain years from a large number of high schools. We have pictures from as early as 1927 and up to the 1970s. Of course not all yearbooks are currently available for all schools. Some of the larger school districts may include many books while other have only a few.

Included here are pictures of individuals or groups which included the family member or future member listed above. See the bottom of the page for an index of the people included in this section.



  1. Lauren Berns
  2. Margie Berns
  3. Nelda (Heiden) Billau
  4. Deborah (Heiden) Brokaw
  5. Shirley (Heiden) Bruechert
  6. Lee Burgard
  7. Donna Mae (Heiden, Sedelbauer) Burge
  8. Carlton Burmeister
  9. Grace (Pullou) Charles
  10. Janice & Tom Clark
  11. Dale Dentel
  12. DHS Faculty
  13. Dundee High School
  14. Kay (Heiden) Dushane
  15. Lorraine (Rolph) Ferrell
  1. Deloris  (Heiden) Fitzgerald
  2. Carol & Ronald Foreman
  3. Lester Frank
  4. Verdell (Heiden) Giebel
  5. Marilyn (Fuller) Glubke
  6. Sally Guy
  7. Beverly (Strzesinski) Hammond
  8. Allen Heiden
  9. Carol (Boos) Heiden
  10. David Heiden, Sr.
  11. Gene Allen Heiden
  12. Gerald Walter Heiden
  13. Glenn Heiden
  14. Harold Heiden
  15. James William Heiden
  1. Richard Carl Heiden
  2. Roger Heiden, Sr.
  3. Ronald Edward Heiden
  4. Ronald Howard Heiden
  5. Velda Heiden
  6. Dianne (Heiden) Houpt
  7. Ida High School
  8. Lorraine (Heiden) Jaworski
  9. JoAnn (Heiden) Kimlin
  10. Edwin Laas
  11. Eva (Berns) McCarthy
  12. Joannie (Berns) McCoy
  13. Joan (Wittkop) Miller
  14. Linda (Berns) Miller
  15. Bonnie (Heiden, Bruns) Mills
  1. Joan Piotter
  2. Jean (Pullou) Roose
  3. Jane (Ballard) Root
  4. Laura (Berns) Shoemaker
  5. Cheryl (Heiden, Holbrook) Stevens
  6. Carol (Heiden) Toburen
  7. Gordon Toburen
  8. Stanley Toburen
  9. Dennis Tommelein
  10. Norma (Burmeister) Wenz
  11. Karen (Berns) Wheaton
  12. Gwendolyn (Berns) White
  13. Dennis Wittkop
  14. Fred Wittkop
  15. Jack Wittman
  16. Joyce (Heiden) Wittman