prior to
1874, Heinrich and Wilhelmine (Milhan) Rambow made the
decision to emigrate from
Gross Wokern, Mecklenburg,
Germany to America. They had 2 children at this
time, Frederick (4 years old) and Bertha (1 year
They made their plans
to leave in April, and Wilhelmine's mother, Marie
Milhan, and her 18 year old daughter, Friedrike
Maria Johanna Caroline and her 2 sons, Wilhelm
Friedrick Ludwig Heinrich (16 years old) and
Christoph Carl August Ludwig (11 years old) would
emigrate with them too.
Another Rambow family from Muschau, Mecklenburg,
Germany were traveling on the boat too. Johann and
Dorothia Rambow and their 4 children aged 14 to 3
years old. It is believed these were relatives of
Heinrich Rambow.
(See Below)
Aunt Ruth took this
information out of the Rambow Reunion Book in March
1991. Henry Rambow II, son of Henry I and Elizabeth
Miller Rambow, was of a family of seven children;
Henry, Hannah, William, Charles and three little
sisters who died in infancy.
Rambow served his country in the seven weeks war in
1866 (Austro-Prussian War). On November 8, 1868 he was united in marriage
to Miss Wilhelmine Milhan. He again served in the
Franco-Prussia War in 1870-1871. Mrs. Wilhelmine
Milhan Rambow, daughter of John and Marie Miller
Milhan, was of a family of five children; Wilhelmine,
Frederick, Fredareka, William and Christopher.
On Sunday April 5, 1874 Grandmother Milhan attended
church in her usual good health; after church she
was bidding her many friends and neighbors good-bye
and telling them of her plans to leave soon for
America, with her son-in-law, Henry Rambow, and his
wife, Wilhelmine, and her other three children,
Fredareka, William and Christopher.
But fate proved otherwise, for on that same day she
was taken ill which proved fatal, and she passed
away April 10, 1874. With sad and heavy hearts they
laid her to rest April 12, 1874 at Mecklenburg,
Germany. This left Fredareka, William and
Christopher motherless and homeless, which made
Wilhelmine's bereavement much harder to bear, as she
being the eldest made her responsible for those left
homeless. But with the help of her kind husband, it
made her task much lighter.
the 13th day of April 1874, they together with their
two children, Fredrick and Bertha, left their home
Gross Wokern, Mecklenburg, Germany, for
Hamburg, Germany, arriving there on the 14th of
On the following day April 15, bidding their home
country good-bye, they boarded the ship
Thuringia to
sail for America.
They encountered several bad storms on the ocean.
They were on the water eleven days. They landed at
Castle Gardens Emigrant Depot, New York, April 26,
1874 and stayed in New York one day. Traveled by
train from New York to Monroe, Michigan; arrived in
Monroe May 4th, 1874 where they lived for a time.
They moved to
Dundee Township in March 1892. They
moved on the present farm home in
Raisinville Township where our Mother with her youngest son and
daughter now reside.
is a copy of the ship passenger list for the S.S.
Thuringia that brought Heinrich Rambow and his
family to the U.S. in 1874.
The list is a bit
more complicated than it would appear because they
are all listed under the surname of Rambow when, in
fact, it also includes Wilhelmina's (Mina) siblings
from the Milhan family.
Rambows were
Heinrich (33), Mina (26),
i.e. Fred (4) and
Bertha (11 months).
The Milhans were
Wilhelm (16 mistakenly listed as a female) and
Christoph (9). Their older brother,
Carl "Fred" Milhan (left) and his wife,
Henrietta, preceded them in 1873 and had settled in
Monroe, Michigan. Fred was 24 years old at the time
he emigrated.
Myrna (Drake) Bishop
granddaughter of
Herman and Reka (Rambow) Heiden contributed the
following information. It deals with the other family
of Rambows that were on the same ship with our
ancestors, Heinrich and Wilhelmine Rambow in 1874.
J. Christian H. Rambow & family left Germany from
the port of Hamburg on April 15, 1874, on the SS
Thuringia and arrived on April 30, 1874, at the port
of New York. They came with children Hanna, Johann,
Joachim, and Johanna. (First daughter Luise was
already married and came later in July with her
husband John Evers and their infant daughter.) From
New York they settled in Columbus, OH by Oct. of
1874, where their last child was born. Then by 1875
they moved to Cullman, Alabama, where they settled
and farmed next to the John A. Evers farm.
Dorothea Kundt Rambow died Aug-02-1899 in Cullman,
AL. Christian H. Rambow died Jan-26-1904, also in
Cullman Co., AL. They are buried in Cullman City
The German church
records indicate that
Johann CHRISTIAN Hans Rambow (son of Johann
Christian Friedrich Rambow) born Jan-31-1832, Muchow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, landlord & farmer,
married May-04-1866 to Maria Elisabeth DOROTHEA
Kundt, born Dec-18-1835, Muchow.
This appears to be the other Rambow family on the
boat to America with our Rambows. On the web, none
of the previous 2 generations of this Rambow matches
any of our Rambows. Muchow, now called Malchow, is
about 25 miles south of Gross Wokem, from which our
Rambows came. From what we know now, it does not
appear that the two families were closely related or
related at all. |