The small, white wood clapboard church which so many of the Heidens attended for decades has a long history. It celebrated the end of its first 100 years in 1960. A pamphlet titled, “Centennial “1860-1960" St Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church” was produced for the occasion. The following history and photographs appeared in that pamphlet which was printed in 1960.

The History of St Matthew: 1860-1960

The first recorded date in the history of the St Matthew congregation was June 3, 1860 when thirty Lutherans met in the Bridge School on that Sunday, and Pastor F.A. Herzberger of Monroe, Michigan, preached to them. At their request he came every three weeks, and continued preaching.

A church constitution was adopted on the 21st of October, 1860, and on November 12, 1860, at the home of Peter Seitz, the congregation was organized. This is now the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Cominess, 8941 North Custer Road, who are members of the congregation today.

This meeting lasted from 9 a.m. until noon and twelve men were present, besides Pastor Herzberger. These were the original members, the fact being recorded twice in the church books. They were: Friedrich Rath, Carl Rath, John Strass, Henry Burwitz, Carl Burwitz, Frederick Rehberg, Ludwig Schulz, John Schulz, Joachim Baas, Adolph Meier, John Goetz and Peter Seitz. These men and their wives had all been born, baptized and confirmed in Germany, and most of them had been in America less than five years. Peter Seitz was the oldest of the company.

For about 19 years they worshiped in the Bridge School building and occasionally in one of their homes. The present church building was constructed in 1879 and dedicated on the 21st of September of that year. The next day, the funeral sermon of Peter Seitz was preached here. His body was possibly the first to find a resting place in this cemetery.

The first baptism was that of Joanna Rath, daughter of Frederick Rath on September 23, 1860. The first class confirmed was May 19, 1861, numbering 3, all children of Peter Seitz, Philip, Peter and Mary. The first communion service was held the Sunday before Christmas, 1860, when 26 communed. The first marriage was December 4, 1861, the couple being Henry Burwitz and Louisa Koepke.

Since the beginning there have been: 553 Persons baptized, 150 Marriages, 398 Persons confirmed and 220 Burials

Special Events

July, 1908, the Ladies Aid Society was organized. During the first year of the organization they purchased many items for the church including contributions for the altar, the statue on the altar, and altar covers. Later contributions included the baptismal font, many supplies for the church and parsonage, paint and repair materials, and many other things, large and small, right up to the present date.

The old record book includes cost of quilting supplies, material for ice cream socials and gifts to mission work in India, supplies for the needy in Europe after the First World War, and gifts to various charities in our own United States. This has been an active and most helpful organization within our congregation.

The first officers of the Ladies Aid were:

Pastors: 21 in All

  • Rev. Frederick A. Herzberger June 3, 1860 to March 16, 1862
  • Rev. William C. Luebkert March 16, 1862 to April 15, 1867
  • Rev. Karl D. Widman May 27, 1867 to Sept. 1, 1868
  • Rev. Ludwig P. Krebs March 21, 1869 to May 27, 1873
  • Rev. August G.H. Michaelis July 1, 1873 to Dec. 25, 1878
  • Rev. Robert Graetz Feb. 2, 1879 to Sept. 21, 1879
  • Rev. Louis Dammann Sept. 21, 1879 to April 15, 1882
  • Rev. C. F. Seitz May 15, 1889 to May 21, 1889
  • Rev. P. Born May 21, 1889 to Dec. 11, 1893
  • Rev. C. Lembke 1894
  • Rev. Paul E. Hensge Nov. 10, 1894 to June 2, 1898
  • Rev. C.J.L. Benzin 1896 to 1906
  • Rev. H.W. Mohrhoff 1906 to July 4, 1907
  • Rev. Friedrich C. Beitelspacher July 4, 1907 to Apr. 1, 1913
  • Rev. Andrew Langendorf Oct. 9, 1913 to July 1, 1915
  • Rev. Carl Kaminska Aug. 3, 1915 to Apr. 1934
  • Rev. Harry P. Long Sept. 1934 to Apr. 1946
  • Rev. C.G. Althoff July 14, 1946 to Jan. 29, 1950
  • Rev. Otto Weiss Aug. 1, 1950 to June 30, 1954
  • Rev. G.C. Wiegand Mar. 20, 1955 to Feb. 14, 1960
  • Rev. Leroy C. Beck Mar. 8, 1960 - August 23, 1964