Schwerin is the capital city of Mecklenburg-Vorpmmern (formerly Mecklenburg-Schwerin ). It is a city of around 96,000 people currently and is the smallest of all the German state capitals. It is located about 55 miles south and west of Groß Wokern, the home of August Heiden and Heinrich Rambow .

Distant relatives of August Heiden and the Rambow family were associated with Schwerin during much of the 19th century.

  1. Magdelena Dorothea Fent death April 10, 1874 buried April 12, 1874 (Wilhelmina (Milhan) Rambow's grandmother)

  2. Christina Sophia Maria Garling born February 2, 1825

  3. Johann Jochim Friedrich Knaak died 1835 (Grandfather of Rika (Knaack) Heiden)

  4. Frederick Koster born 1811 (Grandfather of John Koster)

  5. Johann Laas and Dora Regelein married 1867 (Dora was Rika (Knaack) Heiden's cousin)

  6. Dorothea Swartz married John Koster Sr about 1866 (Parents of John Koster)

  7. Emma Louise Westfahl born December 30, 1877 (Westfahl was the maiden name of Emma (Westfahl) Rambow, wife of Frederich Rambow)

  8. Ludwig Westfahl residence 1877 (Emma (Westfahl) Rambow's father)

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