Gerald Walter
"Tiny" Heiden was born March 29, 1936, the first child
of Walter and Edith (Spaulding) Heiden.
He attended
Dundee High School.
He was a farmer and worked at Ford Motor Company.
On June 19, 1954, Gerald married
Dorothy Florence Rathke who was born on June
18, 1936.
They had five children including
Gerry Allen who was born October 12, 1957 and died
October 14, 1957.
Gerald Walter Heiden died on December 3, 2000 at the age of
64. Dorothy passed away on May 14, 2024 in Livonia, Michigan at
the age of 87. Dorothy died on May 14, 2024 at the age of 87 in
Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan.