Henry Martin Rambow, III was born November 21, 1875 in Raisinville Township, Monroe County, Michigan. He was the third child of Heinrich and Wilhelmina (Milhan) Rambow.

He married Caroline J. Weilnau on December 26, 1900. They had five children.

A reference from 1936 has them listed as living in Wyandotte, Michigan in Wayne County. When he died on October 1, 1947 at the age of 72, he was living at 612 Plank Street in Dundee, Michigan. Henry was buried in Maple Grove Cemetery in Dundee.

Caroline was born on March 12, 1876 and she passed away on August 8, 1964 at the age of 87. She is also buried at Maple Grove Cemetery.

There are four men named either Heinrich or Henry Rambow. One is listed as Henry Martin Rambow III. If this is true, technically that would make his father Heinrich Ernst Rambow, Jr. and his grandfather, Heinrich Christoph Rambow, Sr. but we did not find any references using these suffixes. This would also deviate from the traditional naming rules where a Sr, Jr and III would have the same middle names too.

The fourth person is Henry John Rambow, son of Alvin Rambow and grandson of Henry, III. Oh, well...another of those quirks found in genealogical research.

On January 10, 1921, a fire in the Commerce Department building, Washington, DC, resulted in the destruction of most of the 1890 census.
Henry (35) and Caroline (33) were living near Ridgeway in Lenawee County, Michigan with their children, Alvin (9), Marie (4) and Earl (2).
Henry (45) and Caroline (43) were living near Ridgeway in Lenawee County, Michigan with their children, Alvin (19), Marie (14), Earl (12), Ruth (10) and David (8).
Henry Rambow III * * *
     & Lenawee County, MI