In 1874,
Heinrich and Wilhelmine Rambow
and their children Fred and Bertha (Rambow) Burgard arrived
in the U.S. With them were Wilhelmine's younger sisters,
Fredericka (Milhan) Brooker and brothers, Wilhelm and
Christoph Milan. Her brother
Carl "Fred" Milhan (left) came to Monroe County in 1873.
In the 1880 census, the
Rambows were listed as living
in Dundee Township with their sons, Frederick and Henry and
daughters, Bertha, Mary and Fredareka.
Unfortunately, the 1890
U.S. census was basically destroyed in a fire in Washington
D.C. during the 1920s so we
are missing that link. Our best guess is that sometime
shortly after 1880, they purchased this farm on South Custer
Road. Fredareka was born in December of 1880, William in
1882 and Minnie in 1886 so we are not sure where the family
was living when each of these children was born.
to Heinrich and Wilhelmine's granddaughter,
Bertha (Heiden) Drake
(right), her uncle,
August Heiden
who was a brick mason, built the house shown above for the
August and the Rambows were from the same small German town
of Gross Wokern.
After their parents died and the
other siblings got married and moved away, the two youngest
children, William and Minnie continued to live here until
their deaths in 1965 and 1962 respectively. We have some
remembrances about them and the house.