From the 1940s through the 1980s, Veryl and Dewey Wittkop lived at 581 E. Main St in Dundee, Michigan. Veryl (Getty) Wittkop was the aunt of Mildred (Roggerman) Heiden. Lena Getty, Mildred's grandmother also lived there until her death in 1966. Veryl and Dewey's three sons, John, Alan and Fred also lived here before they were married.

Veyril and Dewey were very nice people. Veyril and my mother, were always close and enjoyed each other's company. Although the recent picture above does not reflect conditions in the 1950s when I visited, Dewey was known for his gardening. Perhaps that is where I got my interest in landscape plants that led to a career as a horticulturist.


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