The house that the Toburens lived in has been torn down.
What was an outbuilding on the left appears to be used as a
house now and the old chicken coop on the right still stands.
Florence (Roggeman) and her
husband, Charles "Chuck" Toburen, with their children,
Gordon, Carol (Foreman),
Marvin, Mary (Stankewich) and Donald lived next door to
Art and Mildred (Roggerman) Heiden during the early 1950s. Florence was Mildred's
cousin although her father used the name Roggeman without the
second "r". This was unlike Mildred's father who spelled his
name, Roggerman as did everyone else in the family.
Later, Florence and Chuck moved to a farm in Onondaga
in Ingham
County, Michigan. They lived there until their deaths.