Heinrich (44) and Emma (30) were living on what was then
called River Road (now 8420 Dixon Road) with their children
August John (9), William Leo (7), Elsie (5), Dorothy (3) and
Esther (1). Clarence Miller was living with them as a
"Servant" but more likely a farm worker. |
They were listed as living at 2 River Road which is now 8420
Dixon Road. Heinrich (55) and Emma (40) were living with
their children William Leo (17), Elsie (15), Dorothy (13),
Esther (11), Henry Wm (9) and Libbie (5). On April 20 of
1922, Heinrich/Henry died suddenly of a heart attack.
Note: Listed living next door to the west was George
Wakefield (78) whose father was from Vermont and mother from
France. No children or spouse were listed at that time. |
Emma (50) lived with her eldest son, August John (29) at 414 Eighth Street in the City of Monroe. Her children, Dorothy
(23), Esther (20), and Libbie (14) also resided at this
address. |
Emma (59), August John (38), Dorothy (33) and Esther (31) lived
together in Ida, Michigan. Emma was listed as having
finished the 4th grade in school. August John who went
through 8th grade was a hired farm hand who earned $150 the
previous year. Dorothy worked in the box shop of a paper
mill and earned $530 while Esther was employed by a trucking
firm earning $480 the previous year. Dorothy completed 8th
grade and Esther 7th grade in school. Theodore Strzesinski, Sr. (27) is listed as living with his
uncle, Robert Michalek. |
Dorothy (42) and Theodore, Sr
(38) lived at 7810 Prairie Street in Ida, Michigan with
their children, Ted, Jr. (7), Beverly (3) and Sandra (2). |