One important and valuable way to learn about our ancestors is through the memories and remembrances told by those who came before us. As part of the 1995 Heiden book, we asked people for their memories of William Carl and Mary (Rambow) Heiden. These sometimes led to insights into August and Rika (Knaack) Heiden from their grandchildren. We recorded conversations of groups of relatives on two occasions. We have gathered many such stories over the years and present them below.

If you would like to share personal comments about these people or anyone else who is a descendant of August and Rika (Knaack) Heiden, we would be glad to add them to this section. Send an EMAIL.

A few of the grandchildren of August and Fredericka Heiden gave their memories of them:
  1. Conversations
  2. Memories

While compiling information for the 1995 Heiden Family book, I asked people for their remembrances of Wm Carl and Mary (Rambow) Heiden. These are included on a single page. The following people sent a response:

Memories and stories about other family members were scattered through two sessions with several relatives which I recorded and of which I have made a transcript. The total transcripts are available for Session No. 1 and Session No. 2.

Parts of each session that relate to individual family members or events are available for:

Herman Heiden, the son of August and Rika (Knaack) Heiden lived on a farm in Isabella County, Michigan. Their daughter, Bertha (Heiden) Drake and her daughter, Myrna (Drake) Bishop developed a family history of that branch of the Heidens. They asked members of the family to submit their remembrances and they are shown below.

Bertha also contributed family stories to the local newspaper, The Shepherd Argus.

JoAnn (Heiden) Kimlin provided comments on several members of her father, Henry William Heiden's family. This included her uncles, William Leo and August John Heiden, aunts, Elsie (Heiden) Klatt, Dorothy (Heiden) Strzesinski, Esther (Heiden) Kehrer and Libbie (Heiden, Frank) Murdock. She also commented on cousins Nelda Billau and Beverly Hammond.

As part of the family history of the Herman and Reka Heiden family, Bertha (Heiden) Drake put together some personal memories she had relating to the Rambow Family. Her mother, Fredericka and her aunt, Mary (Mrs Wm Carl) were both Rambows before marriage.

Bertha and Cecil's daughter, Myrna (Drake) Bishop included memories of her two sons relating to their grandparents. Bertha is a daughter of Herman and Reka Heiden.