The picture above is what the site looked like in the year 2000 long after the house had been razed. Since then, a new house has been built on the lot.

In the mid-1940s, Art and Mildred (Roggerman) Heiden and their children, Harold, Joyce and Ronald moved in order to rent what was called the C.J. Rath farm at 9450 Dixon Road. This was located about a mile west of William Carl and Mary (Rambow) Heiden's farm at 8861Dixon Road.

In 1948, their third son, Ralph, was born while they lived in the house shown below. In 1951, they had a baby boy who died at birth.

 In the early 1950s, the family moved farther west on Dixon Road to rent 12444 which was then known as the Laskey Farm.

The C.J. Rath farm house in the late 1940s was quite dilapidated and in need of some paint which can be seen even in this black and white photo. Several of the many houses we lived in had metal roofs which gave a distinct pinging sound during heavy rain storms. Of course, there was no indoor bathroom in this house at that time.

This picture is from 1949: Art (37) holding Ron (7), Mildred (35) holding Ralph (1), Joyce (11) and Harold (15).

Even though I was only about 4 when we moved to the next house, I have a picture in my mind of this living room with an old, pot bellied stove that provided the heat for the house.

My mother, Mildred, is shown working on the back porch doing one of her many daily chores. To the left is an old milk can which was used to store fresh milk that came directly from the cow. The white tub was probably for the weekly bath. It was moved into the kitchen so hot water could be added. Looks as if the doors covering the entrance to the basement could use some work too.

I think it was here that my brother, Ron as a 6 or 7 year old boy, was helping the men take corn out of the crib. They discovered a mouse nest with hairless mouse babies which they gave to little Ron who put them in his pants pocket. When Ma did the laundry, she was surprised to see the little critters float to the top of the wash water.

My sister, Joyce in front of the house about 14 years old (1952). Note the old rock style foundation under the house.

I am proud to say that she went on to be crowned "Miss Dundee" in her senior year of high school.

My brother, Ron (10 yrs) and me (4 yrs) in about 1952 on the front porch with Skipper. Looks like the front porch could use some work too.

Along with everything else on the place, the barns were in poor shape. Obviously, the broken windows did little to prevent birds from coming inside and nesting in the rafters. The dirt driveway got awfully muddy during the spring thaw.

Arthur Heiden * * * * * *
    * * * * * *
Harold Heiden * * * * * *
    *   & Ohio & Florida
Ralph Heiden * * * * & New Jersey
Ronald Heiden * * * * * * * *
Joyce (Heiden) Wittman * * * * *
    * * & Florida