This was the location known as the Albright farm in the early years of the twentieth century. It was situated on both the south and north side of South Custer Road (M-50) and the house probably stood in the now vacant area on the north side of the road shown above. To the back of the lot is Dixon Road just before it curves to join with South Custer. Behind it is the River Raisin.

According to the 1901 plat map shown below, it appears that there might have been two houses on this property, both of which have been torn down. From about 1899 to 1909, William Carl and Mary (Rambow) Heiden lived on the Albright Farm. Carl (1900), Leo (1902), Lester (1905), Hilda (1906) and Mildred (1908) were born here before the family moved to 8861 Dixon Road.

Edna (Heiden) Berns * * * * *
    * * * *
Mildred (Heiden) Eipperle  * * * *
Carl Heiden * - * * * * *
Leo Heiden * * * *
    * * * *
Lester Heiden * * * *
    * *  & Florida
Wm Carl & Mary Heiden * * * * *

The river was named "Riviere aux Raisin" by the French-Canadian people that first settled in Monroe County. They called it the River Raisin because of the wild grapes growing along its banks. This led to the naming of Raisinville Township and the community of Grape. Also many of the farms along the river are long and narrow so that each farm has access to the banks of the river in the French tradition.