1985 Heiden Family Reunion
at the home of Wm Frank and Helen (Henning) Heiden

Standing Left to Right: Norma Heiden, Helen Esther Heiden, Velda Heiden, Eva (Berns) McCarthy

Seated: Verdell (Heiden) Giebel, Carol (Heiden) Toburen and Laura (Berns) Shoemaker  

Background in blue shirt is Walter Berns talking to James Heiden. Over the shoulder of Norma Heiden is Buddy Giebel.

  • Norma and Helen were sisters  as are Velda and Verdell (daughters of Carl Heiden) and Laura and Eva (daughters of Edna (Heiden) Berns)
  • Carol is the daughter of William Frank Heiden.
  • Norma and Helen are aunts of all the others who are all cousins.