Carl Friedrich Heinrich Heiden was the second child of William Carl and Mary (Rambow) Heiden, born on Tuesday, December 11, 1900 at the family home at the "Albright" farm located on South Custer Road near where Dixon Road ends.

He attended King School and then Bridge School through the eighth grade after the family moved to 8861 Dixon Road.

On Wednesday, June 11, 1930, he married Anita Louisa Alvina Fredirecka Kroeger in a ceremony at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Maybee. Anita was born on Monday, December 3, 1900. She and Carl were both 29 years old when they were married. They had two daughters.

Carl and Anita lived at his parent's home on Dixon Road for a short time after their marriage. That was where their first daughter, Velda, was born. Shortly after, they moved east on Dixon Road to the Wakefield farm and then to a house on North Custer Road across from the Custer Airport. In a few years, they moved back to the Wakefield farm which was then owned by Howard Comstock and lived there until 1950.

That was the year they built the house at 600 Ida-Maybee Road where Carl was a farmer who worked his own property and rented farms around the area. He also worked Anita's parents' farm near Maybee for many years.

One of the things Carl enjoyed was fishing on the nearby River Raisin. In the spring, during the spawning season, he liked to go dip netting for Northern pike near the dam off the end of Ida-Maybee Road behind 8420 Dixon Road where his uncle Heinrich and brothers Wm Frank and Arthur lived at various times..

Carl was also known for his special ability to find morel mushrooms in the nearby woodlots. He loved farming and it was not only his occupation but also his hobby.

Before their marriage, Anita worked in homes around the community of Maybee. She also worked for several years for the Comstock family who owned a pharmacy in Monroe. At home, she always had a large vegetable garden and enjoyed taking care of her chickens which provided eggs and meat for the family. She baked a lot and was always making delicious breads and sugar cookies.

Carl died of a heart attack on Sunday, July 23, 1972 in Mercy Memorial Hospital in Monroe. He was 71 years old and is buried at St Matthew Lutheran Church cemetery in Raisinville Township.

Anita passed away at the age of 96 on Thursday, January 23, 1997 at Greenbrook Manor in Monroe, Michigan. She is also buried at St Matthew Lutheran Church cemetery.

According to a local newspaper article announcing their wedding, "Mrs Heiden is one of the most popular young women of this vicinity and Mr Heiden is well known and well liked. They will reside on the William Heiden farm, west of the Bridge School in Raisinville Township."

At this time, Wm Carl (36) and Mary (32) were living at 8861 Dixon Road which they had purchased on April 1, 1909. Their children included Edna (11), Carl (9), Leo (7), Lester (5), Hilda (3) and Mildred (1). Note: At that time, Dixon Road was called River Road.

Wm Carl (46) and Mary (42) lived at the same farm with children Carl (19), Leo (17), Lester (15), Hilda (13), Mildred (11), Helma (9), Arthur (7), Marie (5), Wm Frank (2) and Helen Esther (<1).
This census shows Wm Carl (56), Mary (59), Carl (29), Marie (15), Wm Frank (12), Helen Esther (10), Wilma (7) and Norma Jean (2) living at the home farm. Wm Carl is shown as a carpenter.

Note: Norma was the last child and the first one born in a hospital. Her birth state is listed as Ohio.

Carl (40) is shown as living at 8750 Dixon Road in Raisinville Township.

The river was named "Riviere aux Raisin" by the French-Canadian people that first settled in Monroe County. They called it the River Raisin because of the wild grapes growing along its banks. This led to the naming of Raisinville Township and the community of Grape. Also many of the farms along the river are long and narrow so that each farm has access to the banks of the river in the French tradition.

Carl Heiden * - * * * * *