William Leo "Bill" Heiden was born September 10, 1903 near Ida, Michigan. He lived with his parents, Heinrich and Emma (Stock) Heiden on their farm at 8420 Dixon Road.

It was there that he met Alice Brossia who lived about a mile or so east on Dixon Road. They attended Bridge School together and later got married on June 30, 1926.

Alice was born July 27, 1908 and died at the age of 92 in Leesburg, Florida on March 28, 2001.

Bill worked at Monroe Auto Equipment between 1932 and 1944. Then, he moved to Deerfield, Michigan in Lenawee County and became a self-employed trucker. While in Deerfield, they lived at 222 Elm Street.

On March 9, 1977, Bill died at the age of 73 at Emma Bixby Hospital in Adrian, Michigan. The cause was listed as the effects of a broken hip. He was buried in Toledo Memorial Park in Sylvania, Ohio.

Bill and Alice had three children, 7 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren at the time of Bill's death.

Marvin Heiden Shirley Bruechert Nelda Billau

At the wedding, Alice wore a pink satin dress. Their attendants were Paul Brossia (Alice’s brother) and Dorothy (Heiden) Strzesinski. The reception was held at the home of Fred and Mary Brossia,  Alice’s mother and father. They lived near Bridge School at 7900 Dixon Road at the "Brossia Family Farm"

One of Uncle Bill’s birthdays (must have been September, 1 963) they had a hobo dinner and we went over there. My son, Wayne, celebrated his first birthday the day before (September 9) and Shirley talked me into letting Wayne have his own birthday cake. She said she would clean him up, so I let have her fun and Wayne didn’t disappoint her, he was cake from top to toe, but she cleaned him up.

Ted (Strzesinski) remembers Uncle Bill for the times he would go to the grain elevator with him and he always had to wash the side of the truck off before he got in because it was thick with the tobacco juice.

There were 3 William Heidens in the early generations. To differentiate among them, we will include their middle names. William Carl Heiden (left) to avoid confusion with his youngest son, William Frank Heiden (right). (They were sometimes mistakenly designated as Sr. and Jr.) William Leo Heiden is their nephew and cousin, respectively. He was a son of Heinrich Heiden.

Heinrich (44) and and his wife, Emma (30) were living on what was then called River Road (now 8420 Dixon Road) with their children August John (9), William Leo (7), Elsie (5), Dorothy (3) and Esther (1). Clarence Miller was living with them as a "Servant" but more likely a farm worker.
They were listed as living at 2 River Road which is now 8420 Dixon Road. Heinrich (55) and Emma (40) were living with their children William Leo (17), Elsie (15), Dorothy (13), Esther (11), Henry Wm (9) and Libbie (5). On April 20 of 1922, Heinrich/Henry died suddenly of a heart attack.

Note: Listed living next door to the west was George Wakefield (78) whose father was from Vermont and mother from France. No children or spouse were listed at that time.

Wm Leo Heiden * * * *  & Deerfield, MI