Wilma Bicking Mildred Heiden Jeanie Heiden Ralph Heiden
Helen Heiden Wm Frank Heiden Dianne Houpt Pat Klass
Helma Nickel Mary Lou Opfermann

Marie Tommelein 

Brick Tommelein 

Listed below are excerpts from transcriptions of audio tapes of two meetings with different combinations of the people shown here. They occurred on May 28 and September 25, 1995. For the entire script, Click Here.

  • Wilma, Jeannie, Wm, Helma and Marie were children of Wm Carl Heiden

  • Mildred was married to Arthur Heiden and was mother of Ralph Heiden

  • Helen was wife of Wm Frank and they were parents of Dianne

  • Pat was daughter of Wilma Bicking

  • Mary Lou is daughter of Leo and Lucille Heiden

  • Ralph, Dianne, Pat and Mary Lou were first cousins


Ralph Heiden - Who built the house at 8861 Dixon Road which became the family homestead?

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - Grandpa Heiden (August) was a mason and he built on the dining room and kitchen after Pa bought it. Before moving there, they lived down on South Custer Road at the Abby Place and the Albright place.

Mildred (Roggerman) Heiden - Abby’s was right on the corner where Dixon Road and South Custer come together.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - Edna and Carl and Leo went to school down there at the King School. They rented those houses before moving to Dixon Road.

Ralph Heiden - Did Lee and Lu (Heiden) (right) live where Jesse Barnes lived?

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - No I don’t think so. Carl lived there. I don’t think Mary Lou lived there.

Ralph Heiden - What about the doctor? Did he make rounds and stop by the farm periodically?

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - I remember Dr. Kelly. You had to call him to come out. He didn’t come to our house very often.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - Pa would get those kidney stones. He would just lay over the couch in such misery. The doctor would come and give him a shot. He would just be sick the next day and lay around.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Where were you born, Mary Lou?

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - On Dixon Road at the Wakefield place.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Where Betty and Rachel lived?

I’ve also got the cedar chest that Ma’s mother brought over from Germany. Ma used it as a hope chest.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - No, there was an old house down by the ditch that crosses the road east of Ma and Pa’s farm. Edna and Henry (left) lived there when they were first married.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Heinie Heiden lived there for a while too. And, the Weaver kids, Arthur and Gilbert.

Mary Lou
- That house burned down. There is a new house there on the north side of the road now.

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - When we lived with Grandma and Grandpa, I can remember having to come down to the living room whenever there was a thunder storm.
Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - He was always afraid that he wouldn’t be able to get us down from upstairs if the house was ever hit by lightning. So, in the middle of the night, if a storm came up, we had to get dressed and come down and sit together in the living room until the storm was over.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - We had to get dressed since we were not allowed to come downstairs in our night clothes. That’s the way us kids were raised.

When Marie got married and the first storm came along, she woke Brick up in the middle of the night and said, “Get your pants on and get downstairs.”

He came into the living room and asked, “What’s wrong? Where are we going?”

Marie said, “Don’t be smart! We’re not going anyplace. It’s storming.”

Brick said, “Oh, for crying out loud.” and went back to bed.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - It seems like we used to have more serious storms back then too.

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - Remember the balls of lightning that would come right through the telephone lines and into the house?

Mildred (Roggerman) Heiden - It did that once when we lived at Suchik’s. The lightning came right through the phone and blew it clear across the kitchen. It was a wonder that one of the girls wasn’t talking on the phone at the time.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking -
Edna used to be very concerned about electrical storms. I used to stay up there with them sometimes.

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - That was probably because they didn’t have any electric lights. They just had a kerosene lamp hanging from the ceiling.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - When Henry (Rambow III) (right) would blow that lamp out, it went pitch black in the house. You could hear the sheep “baa” out in the barnyard in the night. I used to lay there in the back bedroom saying to myself, “I hope it gets to be morning soon!” That was really scary.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - How about the time while Helen, Wilma, Marie and Helma were all still at home. Helma and Marie went out on dates one night.

Helma and Wilma were supposed to sleep together and Helen, Marie and I shared a bed. I always had to sleep in the middle.

We were scaredy cats so we talked Wilma into sleeping with us. When the others came home, Marie climbed in too so we ended up with four of us packed like sardines in one bed and Helma by herself in the other.

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - Norma Miller remembered that Grandma Rambow was a crabby old lady.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - She was very strict evidently. We used to get instruction before we went there that we were to sit quietly and not ask for anything.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - I remember going to Aunt Minnie Rambow’s (right) and she would be sitting there reading the Bible. You didn’t dare say a word until she was done with her scripture.

(Note: Uncle Will and Aunt Minne Rambow were Mary (Rambow) Heiden’s brother and sister. They lived together through their adult lives at the family farm on South Custer Rd. Neither ever married.)

Mildred (Roggerman) Heiden - One time Lou and I were wall papering at their house. Uncle Will Rambow came out of the kitchen and stood in the doorway because he had dinner ready. Lou said to me, “We might as well go home now because he won’t let her eat until we leave.” So, although we had only one strip of paper to hang to finish the room, we left for the day and came back the next day so they could eat their dinner.

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - That was the quietest house I was ever in, I remember.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - I used to have to stay there all summer. That was torture. That’s why I am such a quiet person. (Laughter)

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - Tick Tok, Tick Tok, that old clock they had was so loud in the quiet of the room.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - At ten minutes to nine every night, Uncle Will (left) would get the Bible and hand it to Aunt Minnie. She would then read to him in German until 9 o’clock. And I’d set there real still, never saying a word. When she was done, he would take the Bible and put it back on the shelf. Without saying a word, he would go upstairs to bed. There wasn’t any talking going on at all in the house.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - There wasn’t anything for them to do. They didn’t have a radio or anything. After Grandma Rambow died, Herb and I used to go down there to visit. Uncle Willie just loved to play cards. We would have a real good time. Edna and Henry (right) used to go there and have a good time too. The two of them were so used to just sitting there in the quiet by themselves

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - After Aunt Minnie died, Uncle Will finally got a television.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - He had a dog that he used to fry two eggs for each day.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - I would think that the Rambows and the Heidens came over from Germany about the same time. They had some of the same type of furniture. Remember that settee that you had, Helma? Grandpa and Grandma Rambow had a similar piece of furniture in their house. Maybe the two families knew each other before they came over from Germany.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - Well the Milhans all went to Bridge School way back then too.

(Note: Mary (Rambow) Heiden’s mother was a Milhan.)

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Were the Rambows on the ship list that you got, Ralph?

Ralph Heiden - No but I don’t have the complete list. I only have a copy of the first page with the details about the ship and then the page that lists August Heiden and his family. They were passengers number 304 through 308 so there were probably 400 or more people on the boat. I will check it out. (Note: Turns out the Rambows came one year later in 1874.)

Ralph Heiden - That is the only five generation picture taken with Grandpa Heiden.

Helen (Henning) Heiden - Who is that then?

Ralph Heiden - There’s Edna, Walter, Lauren, Grandpa and Lauren’s first son, Sean. Walter made me this nice print since he still had the negative.

Marie (Heiden) Tommelein - Denny got us an old newspaper for 1945, the year we were married. It was fun to look through but sometimes you’d look at a price and say, “God, it couldn’t have been that cheap back then!”

I remember the first year after we were married, bread was still rationed after the war. We had a neighbor who used to go and stand in line to get a loaf of bread. She would take her 16 year old daughter along with our ration stamp and get us a loaf too. I was at home with the baby and couldn’t go.

You had to wait in line at the Kroger store to get a loaf of bread.

Helen (Henning) Heiden - We only had one car in those days too so you couldn’t just go when you wanted to either.

Marie (Heiden) Tommelein - No. You were lucky if you had one car!


  1. Edna Berns
  2. Lavern Berns
  3. Walter Berns
  4. Wilma Bicking
  5. Myrna Bishop
  6. Donna Burge
  7. Janice Clark
  8. Bertha & Cecil Drake
  9. Mildred Eipperle
  10. Hilda Fuller
  11. Arthur Heiden
  12. August & Rika Heiden
  13. August Heiden Children
  14. Carl Heiden
  15. Emma Heiden
  16. Ernst Heiden
  17. Heinrich Heiden Children
  18. Helen E. Heiden
  19. Henry Wm Heiden
  20. Herman and Reka Heiden
  21. John Heiden
  22. Leo Heiden
  23. Lester Heiden
  1. Mary Heiden
  2. Norma "Jeanie" Heiden
  3. Wm Carl & Mary Heiden No 1
  4. Wm Carl & Mary Heiden No 2
  5. Wm Frank Heiden
  6. Dianne Houpt
  7. Lena Koster
  8. Laas/Burmeister
  9. Linda Miller
  10. Helma Nickel
  11. Mary Lou Opfermann
  12. Rambow Family
  13. The Rambows by Drake
  14. Grandma Rambow
  15. Minnie & Wm Rambow
  16. Carol Toburen
  17. Marie Tommelein
  1. Walter Berns Poem
  2. Bridge School
  3. Christmas Eve Party
  4. Dentist Visit
  5. Dixon Rd Lots
  6. The Great Depression
  7. John Eipperle Fun Times
  8. The Farm House
  9. Five Generations
  10. German Book
  11. Germany
  12. Grape Community
  13. August Heiden Documents
  14. Herman and Reka Heiden Article
  15. Higher Ed
  16. Home Farm
  17. Indian Burial Ground
  18. Leo Heiden Homes
  19. Letters from Germany
  1. Life on the Farm
  2. Lutheran Church
  3. Mary Heiden Cooking
  4. Mary Heiden Health
  5. Mecklenburg, Germany
  6. Middle Names
  7. Mildred Eipperle's Death
  8. Nephews
  9. Helma Nickel's Cooking
  10. Old Receipts
  11. Reunions
  12. School Days
  13. Sparrow Hunting
  14. Stormy Weather
  15. Wedding Shiveree
  16. Willows by the River
  17. The Woodlot
  18. Work on the Farm