Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Where were you born, Mary Lou?
Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - On Dixon Road at the Wakefield place.
Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Where Betty and Rachel lived?
I’ve also got the cedar chest that Ma’s mother brought over from
Germany. Ma used it as a hope chest.
Helma (Heiden) Nickel - No, there was an old house down by the ditch that crosses
the road east of Ma and Pa’s farm.
Edna and Henry (left) lived there when
they were first married.
Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Heinie Heiden lived there for a while too. And, the Weaver
kids, Arthur and Gilbert.
Mary Lou - That house burned down. There is a new house there on the
north side of the road now. |