Their attendants
were Esther Heiden, Dorothy Spohr,
Henry Wm Heiden and Ervin Heiden. Libbie wore a
long white dress (it cost $9.00 from Klines in Monroe) and white shoes
(borrowed from Esther). Esther wore a blue dress and the men all wore grey
suits. Their reception was in the Grange Hall in
They had two children.
Aunt Libbie and Uncle Les divorced in 1961 and he has since died. Libbie then
married Sam Murdock on September 1, 1962 in Dundee with the Justice of the Peace
Out at Aunt Libbies', Ted and Sonny would get
up early to do chores. They climbed down a ladder very quietly so no one would
hear them.
Libbie remembers a Christmas when she was
little and she sneaked down the stairs and saw
Dorothy putting a doll buggy
under the tree for her. She didn’t like side pork, so when they would have it
for a meal, she would hide her side pork under the kitchen table.
Gus would
catch her at it. They had a big wooden table with good hiding places.
One time,
she let some of Henie’s doves (pigeons) out of their cage and he got really mad
and he yelled "Libbie, I’ll hit you, I’ll hit you yet". That saying
used to be a favorite joke at our house, but I never knew the story behind it.