Herman Heiden was the only child of August and Rika Heiden who did not spend his life in Monroe County, Michigan. In 1915, he and his wife, Reka, moved north about 160 miles to Isabella County to farm and raise their four children.

In 1963, the extended families of Lewis and Zina (Robinson) Heiden, Nellie (Heiden) and Chester Ayris, Bertha (Heiden) and Cecil Drake and Richard Lee and Thelma (Clark) Heiden started have yearly family reunions in 1963. We only have information through the 2005 gathering. If you would like to add a comment for these or other Herman Heiden reunions, please send an email.

1963 Reunion The first reunion was held in 1963. It was at Chester & Nellie (Heiden) Ayris' farm home near Mt. Pleasant. Plenty of food and it rained some. Ball games, horse shoe and Harley gave little ones rides on a pony. Ivan treated everyone to ice cream cones. Present 53.
1964 Reunion The 2nd reunion was held at the farm home of Orvest & Virginia Davis near Dewitt on Sunday, July 26. Smorgasbord dinner and lots of lemonade. Horseshoe, ball and card games. The youngest present was Joey Watson; oldest was Chester Ayris. Hildreth Rambow was the oldest lady. Present 49.
1965 Reunion The 3rd reunion was held at Cecil & Bertha Mae (Heiden) Drake's farm home at Chesaning. Lots of food was served and pop for everyone. There were lots of unusual games to play. The Davises won the door prize. Colleen Heiden and Harley Ayris won the clothes pin grab. Shirley Ayris won the marble game. Lots of pictures were taken. Present 39.
1966 Reunion The 4th reunion was held July 31 at Orvest & Virginia Davis' near Dewitt. After a bg dinner an auction sale was held and several things were sold for $11.15, which is to be used for next year's reunion. Bingo and card games were played and games for the children. Present 40.
1967 Reunion The 5th reunion was held at Lewis & Zina (Robinson) Heiden's at Lake George. Another big dinner. An auction was held to take care of pop and ice cream. Next year everyone bring a white elephant for a sale. It was a bit chilly, but some went swimming. Everyone signed a card to send to Allen Ayris in Vietnam. Johnnie Davis celebrated his 42nd birthday on this reunion day. Alvin Rambow came from Florida to be here for the reunion. Present 40.
1968 Reunion The 6th reunion was held at Edward & Delores Heiden. Lots of food was prepared by the Heiden ladies. Bingo & games were played. Raymond Drake was in Vietnam and all hope he would be home soon. He was missed at the reunion. The white elephant auction raised $32.43. Present 51.
1969 Reunion The 7th reunion was held at Wayne & Evelyn Van Orden's at 210 Hall St. in Shepherd. The games for the children were led by Allen Ayris and his new bride Kathy. The white elephant sale raised $31.50. Present 38.
1970 Reunion The 8th reunion was held at Harley & Shirley Ayris' farm home near Remus. Dinner was served and games were played. The white elephant auction raised $55.90. Present 32.
1983 Reunion The 21st reunion was held at Orvest & Virginia Davis'. White elephant $186.81. Present 55.
1984 Reunion The 22nd reunion was held at Rosemary Petoskey's on US 27 Dewitt. White elephant $118.50. Present 64.
1985 Reunion The 23rd reunion was held by Chester & Nellie (Heiden) Ayris at the Community Building in Shepherd. White elephant?   Present 41.
1986 Reunion The 24th reunion was held at Allen & Kathy Ayris' in Frankenmuth. White elephant $134.00. Present 44.
1987 Reunion The 25th reunion was held at Connie Sevrey's in Lansing. White elephant $111.05. Present 58.
1988 Reunion The 26th reunion was held at Wayne & Evelyn Van Orden's in Shepherd. Helium balloons decorated the yard and a special cake for Johnnie Davis' birthday. White elephant $236.00. Present 81.
1989 Reunion The 27th reunion was held at Jerry & Midge Heiden's near Laingsburg. White elephant $210.00. Present 71.
1990 Reunion The 28th reunion was held at Randy & Rhonda Davis' near Mason. Prizes were awarded for silly hats - Laura Hudson won. It was fun. Linda Davis painted faces. White elephant $252.75. Present 80.
1991 Reunion The 29th reunion was held at Herman & Lydia Heiden's near Lansing. Silly hats again. White elephant $ 189.00. Present 58.
1992 Reunion The 30th reunion was held at Harley Ayris' and all his children helped. A quilt made by Ruth Ayris was raffled off There was a hay ride pulled by draft horses. White elephant $177.78. Present 53.
1993 Reunion The 31st reunion was held by Jim & Myrna (Drake) Bishop with the help of Betty (Heiden) Hubble at the Black Creek Conservation Club on Chippewa Road, Mt. Pleasant. It rained in the morning. There was a picture ID game. White elephant sale $225.00. Present 73.
1994 Reunion The 32nd reunion was held by Ed & Delores Heiden and their children at the Mason Hall near Okemos. Games were played. A beautiful chicken dinner and lots of visiting. White elephant $307.00. Present 58.
1995 Reunion The 33rd reunion was held at Randy & Rhonda Davis' home near Mason.
1996 Reunion The 34th reunion was held July 28 at the Black Creek Conservation Club on Chippewa Road, M1. Pleasant. Ivan & Ruth Ayris were hosts.
1997 Reunion The 35th reunion was held July 27 at Herman & Lydia Heiden's on Eskes S1. near Lansing. Rosemary Petoskey & Irv Pasch were hosts.
1998 Reunion The 36th reunion was held Aug. 2 at Black Creek Conservation Club. Myrna & Jim Bishop were hosts.
1999 Reunion The 37th reunion was held Aug. 1 at Droste Park, Westphalia. The hosts were the Ben Heiden family.
2000 Reunion The 38th reunion was held at Moore's Park in Lansing with Jim & Cindy Hudson as hosts.
2001 Reunion The 39th reunion was held July 29 at Moore's Park, Lansing with Jim & Cindy Hudson as hosts.
2002 Reunion The 40th reunion was held at Droste Park, Westphalia, with hosts Ben Heiden and family.
2003 Reunion The 41st reunion was held at Valley Farms Park near Lansing with hosts Herman & Jerry Heiden and families.
2004 Reunion The 42nd reunion was held at Valley Farms Park near Lansing with hosts Samantha Sevrey and Chris Lamont and family.
2005 Reunion The 43rd reunion to be held at Valley Farms Park near Lansing on July 31, with picnic committee: Virginia Davis, Herman D. Heiden, Connie Sevrey, Rosemary Pasch & Lydia Heiden.

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 * Total List

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