below are any documents and information related in any way to
military service by NON-LIVING members of the Heiden, Rambow,
Roggerman or Getty families. This includes draft registration
forms for World Wars I & II and participation in the Vietnam
War, Korean War, Civil War and Austro-Prussian War as well as
peacetime service. |
Bentley, Everett - WWII Navy
Berns, Lavern - WWII Newspaper
Downing, Charles - Army Civil War
Durell, James - Vietnam
Eipperle, John - WWII Draft
Frank, Lester "Sonny" - Army
Getty, Alexander - Army Civil War
Getty, William J. - Army Civil War
Heiden, Alfred "Dave" - WWII
Heiden, August - German Discharge
Heiden, Donald - WWII and Korean War
Heiden, Edwin - WWI Draft Registration
Heiden, Frank - WWI Draft Registration
Heiden, Herman - WWI Draft Registration
Heiden, Herman D. - WWII
Heiden, John - WWI Draft Registration
Heiden, Marvin - Army Air Corps
Heiden, Robert - WWII Army
Heiden, Wm
Carl - WWI Draft Registration
Klatt, Ervin Leo - WWII Draft
Klatt, Otto - WWI Draft Registration
Koster, Gerald - WWII Navy
Koster, Marvin - Army
Laas, John C. - WWI
& WWII Draft Registration
Oliver, Simon, Sr. - Civil War
Rambow, David - WWII Navy
Rambow, Fred -
Legal Document
Rambow, Heinrich - Austro-Prussian War
Rambow, Henry John - Korean War Navy
Rambow, Henry Martin,
- WWI Draft Registration
Regelin, Frank - WWI & WWII
Robbins, Larry - Air Force
Robbins, Melvin - Army
Roggerman, Ralph Lewis "Bob" - WWII
Roggerman, Kenneth, Sr. - WWII Army
Air Corps
Roggerman, Kenneth, Jr. - Army
Tommelein, Dennis - Army Reserves
During World War I there were three
registrations; June 5, 1917, was for all
men between the ages of 21 and 31. On
June 5, 1918, registered those who
reached age 21 after June 5, 1917, and a
registration on September 12, 1918, for
men age 18 through 45. There was also a
supplemental registration that was held
on August 24, 1918, for men reaching 21
years old after June 5, 1918. This was a
part of the second registration.