Several million people around the world have taken a DNA test over the
past couple of decades. Millions more now submit a sample for testing
each year. Genetic scientists have been able to determine that, if two
people share a certain percentage of their DNA, they must be related.
Further, if they share around 50%, they must be full siblings.
Grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews would share about 25% of
the same DNA while first cousins share about 12.5%. This can be carried
out to where a 5th cousin may share 0.05% of their DNA.
Of course, in determining an exact relationship between two people had
to take into account such things as the age of the individuals. For
instance, a person who shares about 25% of your DNA but is only 2 years
older than you father, is most likely an uncle and not your grandfather.
DNA testing companies will offer you the opportunity to get in touch
with other people in their database who are related to you. You must
first agree to allow your data to be available so that relatives may be
able to contact you. |