Minutes and expense accounts were kept of each of the Heiden Family Reunions. The following pages contain those minutes along with text of newspaper articles that appeared in the Monroe Evening News under the social columns of the day.

Minutes of the First Annual
Heiden Family Reunion
Held at John Koster's
July 4, 1921
It was decided to hold the Second Annual Heiden Family Reunion at William Carl Heiden’s on July 4, 1922.
Mr. William Carl Heiden was elected President and Mr. A.J. Paulsen Secretary/Treasurer.
The following were elected on committees:
Mr. John Koster
Mr. Mr. L. Burmeister
Mr. John Koster
Mr. John Heiden
Committee for corn guessing contest, cracker eating contest, marshmallow eating contest and grab-bag contest:
Mrs. A. Paulsen
Miss L. Laas
Mrs. Ernst "Ernest" Heiden
EXPENDITURES John Koster for ice cream
and 100 cones @ $1.60 $9.00
Louis Laas for spoons and plants .50
Total Expenditures $16.25
Cash on Hand 9.00
Total Collections $25.25
The Executive Committee:
Mr. Louis Laas
Mr. John Laas
Mr. Herman Heiden
Mr. Ernst "Ernest" Heiden
Minutes of the Second Annual
Heiden Family Reunion
Held at William Carl Heiden’s
July 4, 1922
Minutes of the Second Annual
Heiden Family Reunion
Held at William Carl Heiden’s
July 4, 1922
The Second Annual Heiden Family Reunion was held at the residence of William Carl Heiden. About 80 guests attended and all seemed to have a good time. Prizes were awarded to the winners of different games. Business meeting was next in order.
Committees and officers were elected:
President - William Carl Heiden
Secretary/Treasurer - A.J. Paulsen
Cash on hand July 4, 1921 $10.00
Cost of Prizes 3.50
500 ice cream cones 2.25
250 plates 2.00
1 ball .90
3 lbs. peanuts .60
1 lb. marshmallows .10
1 lb. crackers .25
Balance .40
Refund on 200 cones .90
Cash on Hand 1.30
Total collection for July 4, 1922 23.65
William Carl Heiden - 10 Gal ice cream @1.20 12.00
Paul Boehk - 15 lbs. weinies @.19 2.85

Total cash on hand $10.10
Mr. & Mrs. L.W. Burmeister, Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Paulsen, Mr. & Mrs. John Laas, Miss Libbie Laas
The president then announced that the next meeting would be held at the residence of Ernst "Ernest" Heiden on July 4, 1923.
Minutes of the Third Annual
The Third Annual Heiden Family Reunion was held at the residence of Ernst "Ernest" Heiden. About 78 responded to the roll call. Prizes were awarded to the winners of different games. All officers and committees were re-elected. It was decided to hold the next reunion at John Koster’s residence.
Cash on hand $10.10
1 ice cream cone dipper 2.00
300 cones 1.65
132 plates .88
Prizes 3.10
Grab-bags .65
1 lb. Soda crackers .20
Marshmallows .10
3 lbs. Peanuts .60
24 bottles of pop .85
Balance .07
Total Collection 25.50
Sold 2½ doz. Lemons @50¢ 1.25
Ernst "Ernest" Heiden - 10 Gal ice cream 14.00
A.J. Paulsen - 5 lb. Sugar .55

Balance on hand 12.27
Heiden Family Reunion
It was decided to hold the 1924 picnic at Mrs. Heinrich "Henry" Heiden’s instead of Joe Koster’s but the entire picnic was postponed due to sicknesses and deaths.
Minutes of the Fourth Annual
Heiden Family Reunion
Held at Mrs. Heinrich "Henry" Heiden’s
July 4, 1925
The Fourth Annual reunion was held at the residence of Mrs. Heinrich "Henry" Heiden. 101 guests were present. Prizes were awarded to the winners of the different games. Officers and Committees were re-elected. An invitation to hold the next (1926) reunion at Mr. C. Brockman’s residence was accepted.
Cash on hand $12.27
Stationary .20
300 cones 1.50
100 plates .50
Prizes 3.40
Grab-bags .35
1 lb. Soda crackers .20
Stamps .34
Post cards .20
3 lbs. Peanuts .75
24 bottles of pop 1.05
Balance 3.78
Total Collection 32.60

William Carl Heiden - ice cream & coffee 16.05
Weinies 1.25

Balance on hand $19.08
Minutes of the Fifth Annual
Heiden Family Reunion
Held at C. Brockman’s
July 4, 1926
The Fifth Annual Reunion was held at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. C. Brockman. After the meeting was called to order, 68 members responded to roll call. Five guests were also present. The minutes of the previous reunion were approved as read. Election of officers followed. The same officers and committees were re-elected for the succeeding year. It was decided to hold the 1927 reunion at the residence of Mr. Henry Berns. Prizes were awarded to the winners of the different games and contests. The married men defeated the single men in a 5 inning ball game by the score of 8 to 7.
Minutes of the Sixth Annual
Heiden Family Reunion
Held at Henry Bern’s
July 4, 1927
The Sixth Annual Reunion was held at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Berns. 81 attended. All officers and committees were re-elected for 1928.
The next reunion will be held on July 4th, 1928 at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. John Heiden.
A motion was made and seconded to remember Elmer Paulsen with a gift. Elmer wishes to send his sincere thanks for the book he received.
Games were carried out as usual and prizes given to the winners.

Cash on hand $19.08
1 Lemon squeezer .10
300 cones 1.35
150 plates .75
36 Prizes 3.60
1½ lb. Candy .30
1½ lb. Soda crackers .28
25 Post cards .25
3 lbs. Peanuts .60
1 lb. Beans .10
Balance 11.75
Total Collection 22.75
John Koster- ice cream 15.00
Balance on hand $19.50
Ice was donated by Mr. Alfred Brockman.
Minutes of the Seventh Annual
Heiden Family Reunion
Held at John Heiden’s
July 4, 1928
The Seventh Annual reunion was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. John Heiden. It was enjoyed by 65 members who attended the meeting.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.
All officers were re-elected including Andrew Paulsen who was unable to attend on account of sickness in the family.
A request was made that all changes in address be forwarded to the Secretary.
The next reunion will be at the home of John Koster.
Cash on hand $19.50
300 cones 1.14
100 plates .50
Prizes 3.50
1½ lb. Candy .30
1½ lb. Soda crackers .28
25 Post cards .25
3 lbs. Peanuts .60
Grab-bags .70
Envelopes .05
Balloons .60
1 lb. Marshmallows .10
1 lb. Beans .10
Balance 11.75
Total Collection 26.56
10 gallons ice cream 14.60
1 Book 2.00
Balance on hand $21.92
Minutes of the Eighth Annual
Heiden Family Reunion
Held at John Koster’s
July 4, 1929
The Eighth Annual reunion was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. John Koster. Games were played and prizes awarded to the winners and there was plenty of eats, ice cream and lemonade for everybody.

The meeting was called to order by President William Carl Heiden and the regular business was attended to. The present officers were all retained.
The next meeting will be held at William Carl Heiden’s.

Secretary Pro Tem - J.C. Laas

Cash on hand $21.92

15 doz. plates .75
Prizes 3.40
Soda crackers .20
Post cards .45
4 lbs. Peanuts 1.00
Balloons - 6 doz. .60
Marshmallows .30
Bunting .98
Flags .20

Total Collection 28.60
5 gallons plain ice cream 10.50
5 gallons flavored ice cream 11.50
2 cases of pop 2.00
300 lbs. of Ice 1.35

Balance on hand $17.29

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 * Total List

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