Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - On Easter Sunday, he would eat six boiled eggs for
breakfast. That was his traditional meal.
Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - During Lent, we could never go to a dance or to the movies
back then.
Helma (Heiden) Nickel - You never got married during Lent either. There were a lot
of February weddings because you had to get married before or after
Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - Unless it was a shotgun wedding!
Ralph Heiden - Did the preachers used to come over to the house often?
Helma (Heiden) Nickel - That one preacher we had liked to play horseshoes.
Bidlesbocker was his name. He was the one who baptized me.
Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - Pastor Thomas used to come over after Ma had died. He would
sit there while we were playing cards and he’d say, “I thought you’d
have a Budweiser out by now.” So, we would go and get him one and
he’d have it with us.
Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Every so often, you were expected to have the preacher over
for a meal because they didn’t get much pay.
Helma (Heiden) Nickel - If you dug potatoes or had vegetables, you would drop some
off at the parsonage to help them out too.
Helma (Heiden) Nickel - The parsonage was there on Ida-Maybee Road across from
Seibarth’s. We used to go there for Catechism lessons before we were
Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - We had to sit in the living room and take the lessons. It
was another “quiet” house. |