Wilma Bicking Mildred Heiden Jeannie Heiden Ralph Heiden
Helen Heiden Wm Frank Heiden Dianne Houpt Pat Klass
Helma Nickel Mary Lou Opfermann

Marie Tommelein 

Brick Tommelein 

Listed below are excerpts from transcriptions of audio tapes of two meetings with different combinations of the people shown here. They occurred on May 28 and September 25, 1995. For the entire script, Click Here.

  • Wilma, Jeannie, Wm, Helma and Marie were children of Wm Carl Heiden

  • Mildred was married to Arthur Heiden and was mother of Ralph Heiden

  • Helen was wife of Wm Frank and they were parents of Dianne

  • Pat was daughter of Wilma Bicking

  • Mary Lou is daughter of Leo and Lucille Heiden

  • Ralph, Dianne, Pat and Mary Lou were first cousins


Ralph Heiden - Grandpa (William C.) Heiden bought this farm in 1909 or there about. There are stories about great grandpa (August) Heiden doing the masonry work on the house. Do you know anything about that?

[Note: Wm Carl Heiden bought the farm on April 1, 1909 which was his 35th birthday.]

William Frank Heiden - I heard them talking about walking over here from South Custer when Pa was about 13 or 14 to help his dad do the brick work.

[Note: August Heiden was a brick mason by trade.]

Ralph Heiden - Then that would have been about 1890. So that was when someone else owned it?

(Note: Which would have been while the Meyers still owned the property.)

William Frank Heiden - Yes, I think it was the Langs or someone else who owned the farm at that time.

Ralph Heiden - The 1873 county plat book I think lists the owner of this farm as a man named Meyers.

William Frank Heiden - They called him “Milky Meyers.” I always heard Pa talking about him.

Ralph Heiden - The plat map also showed a piece of landlocked property located on the back of this property. There wasn’t any access from Ida-Maybee Road, Dixon, Mulheisen or South Custer.

William Frank Heiden - That would be on the back end of Suhciks farm. It was the Stokes that had an old house back in there on a hill. Could be some relation to Bill Stokes, Aunt Emma’s’s relations.

Ralph Heiden - There also used to be a house on the north side of the road just east of here. I know Mary Lou was born there and Carl and Anita lived there for a while too.

William Frank Heiden - Carl lived next door here where Jessie Barnes lived. Verdell was born there. Edna and Henry lived in the other place for a while and Bill and Alice (Brossia) Heiden lived there too. Bill worked the farm. That was when old Jesse Wakefield owned it.

Ralph Heiden - Who built the house at 8861 Dixon Road which became the family homestead?

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - Grandpa Heiden (August) was a mason and he built on the dining room and kitchen after Pa bought it. Before moving there, they lived down on South Custer Road at the Abby Place and the Albright place.

Mildred (Roggerman) Heiden - Abby’s was right on the corner where Dixon Road and South Custer come together.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - Edna and Carl and Leo went to school down there at the King School. They rented those houses before moving to Dixon Road.

Ralph Heiden - Did Lee and Lu live where Jesse Barnes lived?

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - No I don’t think so. Carl lived there. I don’t think Mary Lou lived there.

Ralph Heiden - What about the doctor? Did he make rounds and stop by the farm periodically?

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - I remember Dr. Kelly. You had to call him to come out. He didn’t come to our house very often.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - Pa would get those kidney stones. He would just lay over the couch in such misery. The doctor would come and give him a shot. He would just be sick the next day and lay around.

Ralph Heiden - What kind of farm did Grandma and Grandpa have while you were growing up?

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - We raised pigs to butcher.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - Ma raised geese. She made us all a feather bed from the down.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - I got flogged by a goose once. Believe me, they could hurt you!

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - Aunts and Uncles would get together pull out the down and put them in bags and dry them for mattresses. Feather beds.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - Remember how we used to be afraid to get the eggs out from under the old setting hens? They’d pick you on the hands if you reached in for the eggs.

Pat (Bicking) Klass - We would throw corncobs at them to get them off the nest. Aunt Helen would say, “What’s the matter with you?” and reach in and pull them out with her hand.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - We would take a stick and hold their head down and then reach in to take the eggs from the nest.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - They were old setting hens and they did not want to get off the nest. There were always a few that just wouldn’t get off the nest for you.

Pat (Bicking) Klass - We would beg Helen to let us help get the eggs. Then the next day, she would wonder what all those corncobs were doing in the nests.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - You always had a nasty rooster out there too that would come after you. You’d be scared stiff. I remember Ma would kill the chickens. She hold them down and take the ax and cut off the heads and then dunk them in hot water. Then she’d pick the feathers off them and we’d have to pull out those darn pinfeathers. She’d cut them all up and soak them in some sort of saltwater over night. The next morning, boy, that would make the best chicken! They don’t taste like that now.

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - My dad used to cut the heads off like that on Saturday. Then he’d let them run around and us kids would laugh. Then he’d dip them in hot water and come in and dump them on the table. That was the end of his part. It was Mother’s job from then on.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - When we first got married, Bill noticed that William and Helen always had chickens in the freezer. He said, “Why don’t we put some chickens in our freezer too?”

I said, “Oh, I don’t know about that.”

William asked Bill, “You want some chickens? Come on out next week. I’ve got some and you can have them.”

So we went out there. William started to cut off the heads and stuck them into a sleeve thing that held them while they bled out. And the chickens were bleeding and squirming around.

Before long, William turned around and said, “Where’s Bill?”

Bill had disappeared around the corner of the shed. We went around to find him and he said, “My God, I’ll never eat another chicken in my life!”

He never talked about putting chickens in the freezer after that.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - That’s the city kid in him.

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - That smell when you put them in the hot water was enough to put anyone off chicken.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - Talking about chickens. They have those Amish chickens every once in a while at the store and they taste like real chickens like we used to have on the farm.

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - I bet they’re corn fed. And they let them run in the field too.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - I haven’t been able to find them since. They don’t have any chemicals and stuff fed to them.

Pat (Bicking) Klass - It’s amazing we eat anything anymore.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Ma would take the chickens in the house and light a rolled up newspaper and singe off the remaining feathers.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - We had guinea hens too.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - They were like watchdogs. They would start to “holler” and make loud noises that would chase animals away.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - The best time was when Pa would kill a pig. We would have fresh liver that night. Boy that was fresh and delicious! They would slice it real thin and they would make that dark, black gravy. Wilma never liked it but I loved that dark gravy!

I tried buying liver at Baisley’s and I brought it home but it was nothing like what we used to have when we lived on the farm.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - I would just hate it when I knew they were going to butcher because I would come home and they would have liver for supper.

That is the only time I can remember that Ma bent her rules. Normally, we were expected to eat whatever was put on the table. But, I hated liver so much and almost got sick so finally she said, “Oh, all right, I’ll fry you an egg and don’t act so foolish.”

Mildred (Roggerman) Heiden - Art used to talk about catching the blood from the pigs as they butchered them. They would make blood cheese and sausage.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - That was something I could never eat. I don’t remember them making it very much.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - We were talking the other day about “souse” (spelling?) and head cheese and those things.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - They also made that apple stuff with the cracklings and things when they butchered.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - That was from frying out the lard. They mixed that with apples.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - Pa always made the mettwurst out in the smokehouse.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Boy, that is one thing that you cannot buy. Not that tastes like that did. Carl was the last one who could make it taste like that.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - Remember all the wine and cider barrels in the basement? They’d tell us to go down and siphon off some of the wine with a hose once in a while.

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - I can still smell that wine down there. Remember when we got drunk that time?

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - We siphoned off too much. They were playing cards and they told us to go down and get a pitcher of wine. We would just empty off all the glasses before refilling them. Pretty soon we were.

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - Remember how mad they got?

Ralph Heiden - Was everything you used at home mostly homemade?

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - Everything. I don’t ever remember buying any canned goods back then.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - We used to have a grocery wagon come by every Monday. A guy named Jake Myers traveled around from his store in Strasburg (Michigan).

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - He had a big truck that he would drive around the countryside selling his goods.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - Ma would go out to the road when he would come by with a basket of eggs and trade them for groceries.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - I remember peaking over the edge of the truck and looking at the box of candies. I don’t know what you would get for a basket of eggs. Maybe some somersausage.

Ma and Pa would go to town, to Monroe, once in a while and come home with link balognas in buns with mustard on them.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - That would be our Saturday night supper.

Mildred (Roggerman) Heiden - Art used to say, “Give me a tase of one of them der buns.”

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Pa went to the mill with the wheat to get flour.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - He would trade bags of wheat for bags of flour.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - Then he went to Heck’s Market right across the street.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - I think it’s Schroeder’s now.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - Pa would also buy peanuts. Peanuts in the shell which he just loved.

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - That must be where my Dad (Leo Heiden) got his love for peanuts in the shell too. 

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - Carl, Leo and Lester were working at other farms much of the time while I was growing up. Hilda (Fuller) and Mildred (Eipperle) worked in Monroe and stayed at Uncle Fred Rambow’s during the week. They would come home on weekends. We all had our chores around home. I don’t ever remember Ma washing the dishes. We all did our share of ironing too.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - I had to fill the woodbox with firewood for the stove in the kitchen.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - The boys would do the farm work. The girls never did too much in the fields. We would help out once in a while.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - Ma was always there though. She did the baking.
Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Art worked over to Knapp’s farms.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - Carl worked down to Rath’s. Wherever the boy’s worked, they stayed for room and board too.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - One thing that I hated was when Pa would let the cows out to graze along the ditches near the road. I was supposed to watch them and I was scared to death that they would get hit by a car on the road.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - We had to pick raspberries, peas and strawberries from the garden.

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - We used to hoe weeds out of the corn rows for 5 cents a row. When I would accidentally slice off a stalk of corn, I would prop it up in place praying that Grandpa wouldn’t see it.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - We thought 5 cents a row was going to be a lot but the rows ran all the way back to the woods. You got to the end and you would say to yourself, “Ugh, there’s another 5 cents.” You would make about 15 or 20 cents a day at that rate!

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - We used to pick raspberries down to Brossia’s for 3 cents a quart.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - At Spewak’s we would pick beans and at Polley’s we would pick strawberries. I don’t remember how we got to those places but we did.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - I can remember picking 80 some quarts once and I only made two dollars and forty cents. You guys would pick over 100 quarts and get over $3.00. Our hands would be all dirty and stained and then at noon, you had to eat your sandwich from a bag. It was all day long in the hot sun. Finally, Ma said, “You don’t have to do that anymore if you don’t want to.”  

Ralph Heiden - Was the house nice and warm in the winters?

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - Ho, ho, ho! Upstairs where we slept, if you left a glass of water out overnight, it would be frozen in the morning!

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - That’s why we often slept three to a bed.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Those ceilings would slope down near the bed. You could reach up some nights and scratch the frost off the inside surface.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - We had a big furnace in the basement that burned coal.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Then there was one little register or actually just a hole in the floor where the heat was supposed to come up through from below.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - You didn’t fool around getting dressed in the morning. Sometimes we would run downstairs by the radiator and get dressed there.

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - I remember sitting on that old pot and it would be ice cold.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - You didn’t know if you could go or not!

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - Those were the good old days.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - But we didn’t know any different. Everybody we knew lived the same way so it was all right.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - I went to the dentist one time recently and I asked him what kind of toothpaste he would recommend? He asked, “What did you use when you were young?” I said we used backing soda or salt. I told him we lived on a farm and that’s what we had.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Where were you born, Mary Lou?

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - On Dixon Road at the Wakefield place.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Where Betty and Rachel lived?

I’ve also got the cedar chest that Ma’s mother brought over from Germany. Ma used it as a hope chest.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - No, there was an old house down by the ditch that crosses the road east of Ma and Pa’s farm. Edna and Henry (left) lived there when they were first married.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Heinie Heiden lived there for a while too. And, the Weaver kids, Arthur and Gilbert.

Mary Lou
- That house burned down. There is a new house there on the north side of the road now.

Ralph Heiden - There is an old story about the Heiden farmstead being located on an “Indian burial ground.”

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Back where the old hickory tree was near the lane was supposed to be an Indian burial ground according to Pa. It was before you got to the ditch. They used to find a lot of arrowheads and things there all the time.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - I wonder why nobody ever keeps that stuff.

Ralph Heiden - Carol said she used to have a bunch of arrowheads and things but she has lost track of where they are now.

Ralph Heiden - There are trees planted in even spacing along the river bank, didn’t Grandpa plant those?

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - Pa planted those but I don’t know when.

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - You say they bought the house in 1909? I thought Great Grandpa built the house.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - Pa bought the place from Meyers.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Stella Graf’s grandma and grandma built that house.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - I forget what Pa said they had to pay for the farm. I think it was about $75 per acre or something. It was 140 acres.

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - It is 141 acres. They always had to go down to Stella’s folks, the Langs, to pay the mortgage payments.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - They must have bought it on land contract then or they wouldn’t have had to pay the Langs. Afterwards, they got a loan from Monroe County Bank. I was still in high school when they finally paid it off. That would have been in the early 1940's, maybe 1941 or so.

Sometimes they would have to borrow money to pay the taxes. Fortunately, Gilbert Oyer at the bank knew all those farmers and he knew they were good for it. He’d loan them the money for the taxes but then they would not be getting any of the principal down on the loan that year.

Ralph Heiden - I have some old property tax receipts that my great grandfather, August Heiden, paid from the late 1800's to about 1911.
Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - Where did they live then?

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - Over on South Custer where Uncle John and Aunt Agnes (Brockman) Heiden lived.

Ralph Heiden - The property tax form says that August Heiden's property on South Custer Road was bordered on the north by Jacob Mathis, on the east by George Rath and William D. Miller, and on the west by Ernst "Ernest" Heiden. In some of the older receipts, it says they were bordered on the north by W. Stock, on east by C. Rath and on the west by K. Opfermann.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - K. Opfermann?

Helma (Heiden) Nickel - Killian Opfermann would be Frank’s dad.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Did William F. and Helen ever have a survey done on the home farm?

Ralph Heiden - Yes, they wrote in their letter that they have a copy of the title search.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - That’s what I do for a living. I’ve been doing it since April 3, 1946 and worked until April 30, 1989. Now I work part-time at it.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - We’ll have to have a big party next year to celebrate Jeanie working 50 years. 

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Whatever happened to the woods that were on the back side of the farm?

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - As far as I know they’re still there.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - Pa used to go back there and get morel mushrooms and blackberries.

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - Those mushrooms were great! He used to get only 7 or 8 of them so each of us would get half of one fried up in butter.

Ralph Heiden - People always mention that Grandpa liked to fish with a cane pole back on the river. What did he catch?

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - Carp! Rock bass, pike and suckers.

Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - He tried to smoke some carp one time but it didn’t work out very well. Bill Cominess told him if you catch a carp, you should dig a hole in the yard to plant a tree and then bury the carp with it. Then, eat the horse manure you were going to use for fertilizer instead. You’d be better off in the long run!

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - I got some pictures of Bill and Pa playing cards together.

Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - Remember old Charley Cominess when he had that small house trailer he lived in?

Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - Yes, that was how we got fleas one time! Pa went over there and gave him a hair cut with our clippers. Then he came home and gave some of us a trimming and boy what a time we had getting rid of those things in our hair!

  1. Edna Berns
  2. Lavern Berns
  3. Walter Berns
  4. Wilma Bicking
  5. Myrna Bishop
  6. Donna Burge
  7. Janice Clark
  8. Bertha & Cecil Drake
  9. Mildred Eipperle
  10. Hilda Fuller
  11. Arthur Heiden
  12. August & Rika Heiden
  13. August Heiden Children
  14. Carl Heiden
  15. Emma Heiden
  16. Ernst Heiden
  17. Heinrich Heiden Children
  18. Helen E. Heiden
  19. Henry Wm Heiden
  20. Herman and Reka Heiden
  21. John Heiden
  22. Leo Heiden
  23. Lester Heiden
  1. Mary Heiden
  2. Norma "Jeanie" Heiden
  3. Wm Carl & Mary Heiden No 1
  4. Wm Carl & Mary Heiden No 2
  5. Wm Frank Heiden
  6. Dianne Houpt
  7. Lena Koster
  8. Laas/Burmeister
  9. Linda Miller
  10. Helma Nickel
  11. Mary Lou Opfermann
  12. Rambow Family
  13. The Rambows by Drake
  14. Grandma Rambow
  15. Minnie & Wm Rambow
  16. Carol Toburen
  17. Marie Tommelein
  1. Walter Berns Poem
  2. Bridge School
  3. Christmas Eve Party
  4. Dentist Visit
  5. Dixon Rd Lots
  6. The Depression
  7. John Eipperle Fun Times
  8. The Farm House
  9. Five Generations
  10. German Book
  11. Germany
  12. Grape Community
  13. August Heiden Documents
  14. Herman and Reka Heiden Article
  15. Higher Ed
  16. Home Farm
  17. Indian Burial Ground
  18. Leo Heiden Homes
  19. Letters from Germany
  1. Life on the Farm
  2. Lutheran Church
  3. Mary Heiden Cooking
  4. Mary Heiden Health
  5. Mecklenburg, Germany
  6. Middle Names
  7. Mildred Eipperle's Death
  8. Nephews
  9. Helma Nickel's Cooking
  10. Old Receipts
  11. Reunions
  12. School Days
  13. Sparrow Hunting
  14. Stormy Weather
  15. Wedding Shiveree
  16. Willows by the River
  17. The Woodlot
  18. Work on the Farm