Ralph Heiden - There are a bunch of old receipts in the material
Aunt Agnes
gave me back in the early 70's. One is from a Dr. Francis Alter, an
eye doctor from Toledo. It is for 1923 for
Mrs. August Heiden. She
had an eye examination for 5 dollars, lenses 12 dollars and eye
treatment 3 dollars.
Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - I can’t imagine the Heidens going all the way to Toledo for
an eye doctor back then. They must have had some money. I always
thought the Heidens were poor.
Helma (Heiden) Nickel - There weren’t too many eye doctors around then.
Mary Lou (Heiden) Opfermann - See where we inherited our bad eyes from?
Now, where did you get those papers and receipts?
Ralph Heiden - From Aunt Agnes twenty some years ago.
Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - Are you going to put all that stuff in the book?
Ralph Heiden - No, but I will pick out some of the more important items and
put them in. For the German documents, I will put the German version
on one side and then the English translation on the opposite page so
people can see what they said.
What I would like to have in this is everything people want to share
so people in the future can find out these things. Like you were
saying earlier, we often look back and think, “Boy, I wish I had
asked them about this. But, now, it is too late.”
Wilma (Heiden) Bicking - I always had short legs and I could always remember Ma would
get Pa pants that would fit his waist but they would always be too
long. She would say to him, “You don’t have any legs!”
Ralph Heiden (right) - That must be where I get my proportions. I am 6 foot three
and I only wear a 31 inch inseam which is pretty short for someone
my height.
Norma "Jeanie" Heiden - You’ve got all your height above your waist.
Mildred (Roggerman) Heiden - You’ve got your dad’s proportions.
Pat (Bicking) Klass - I’m long waisted too and I have a heck of a time with clothes
sometimes. An empire waist on me was nothing.